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Nunc Dimittis - feature

St Mark's is available for both funeral services and memorial services. Whether the person who has died was a member of the church, a Church of England funeral is available to everyone, giving support before, during and after the service. The clergy in this parish are happy both to officiate at funerals in church (usually followed by a burial or cremation) or to take a service just in the chapel at a crematorium. Typically, the way to organise this is initially by going to the funeral director and explaining what you wish to happen. You do not have to have attended church to have a funeral in church.

One of the great advantages of having a funeral in church is that we can accommodate a larger number of mourners than other venues, if that is relevant, and also timing is less of an issue than it is at a crematorium, where often the only time possible is a 40 or even 20 minute slot.

It is possible to organise the burial of ashes in the St Mark's garden of remembrance, which is a green space located behind the church. 

If you would like to find out more about a funeral at St Mark's please contact the vicar (, the curate (, or use the contact us function here.

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